Busselton Vet Hospital
Community Composting with ShareWaste
One of the first things that we changed when we started our sustainability journey here at Busselton Vet was to collect our food waste for composting instead of putting it in the rubbish bin for landfill.

Community Compost with ShareWaste
We started with a donated worm farm and quickly moved on to composting outside, then creating our community composting corner. We have signed up with ShareWaste to help coordinate donations and spread the word about the benefits of composting.
Composting is something that every business and household should look at implementing. It’s very detrimental to the environment when organic waste is buried in landfills. Composting is very easy to do and doesn’t take up a lot of time, space or money. The benefits of having your own compost are endless, not only do you encourage earthworms to your garden you end up with a beautiful product that your plants will love. It’s very satisfying to compost all your organic waste like food scraps, paper, and garden waste to create a healthy new soil addition.
ShareWaste is an online platform that “aims to connect people who wish to recycle their food scraps and other organics with their neighbours who are already composting, worm-farming or keep farm animals”. Put simply you will either be a host or donor.
We are a ShareWaste host which means we accept organic waste (kitchen/food scraps) from your home and add it to our compost system. Our compost system is how we “take care” of the paper waste that our business creates instead of putting it in the bin, it’s part of our overall waste reduction & management protocols.
Our compost system is both here at the vet hospital and at one of our team member’s properties. We ask that you collect a bucket (supplied at the front of the clinic to the right of our vege garden), take it home and fill it with your kitchen/food scraps and then return it to the clinic and swap it for an empty bucket. Kylie (our composting practice manager) will take the scraps home and add them to her worm farms and compost bins. This creates lovely compost that is then used to grow the vegetables that regularly stock our “Grow Free Cart”. We use the compost we make here at the clinic on our BVH Garden which also supplies the cart and feeds our team (and their rabbits).
While we are happy to accept your donations we would also like to encourage you to start composting at home. Unfortunately, there are no FOGO (Food Organic Green Organic) bins in the City of Busselton like with other shires and we and other ShareWaste hosts can only process so much organic waste. If you would like to start composting at home but need a little help please get in touch.