Busselton Vet Hospital
In Memory
Remembering all of our beloved pets.

Forever in our memory, always in our hearts


roomier yet somehow smaller,
no more food whines, or capture of toys,
no more snoring in the carpeted hallway at night.
You will never leave entirely…
your hair lies dark in every carpeted corner,
after every clean, on every jumper,
every t-shirt.
Watermarks still stain the tiles from your drinking
and there is mud on the rugs that may never come out,
but the breeze blows cold through an empty garden
where once a black giant, descendant of Lupus, used to roam.
Golden eyes piercing the darkness,
Your bark echoing across the valley and back…
Your watch has ended.
We who served it with you, give you thanks.
Blessed to live in your time,
Blessed to love you in ours.
Your watch has ended…
our tears may take a little longer.

Shadow came into our lives as a tiny little pup you could hold in one hand! We bought her off some wonderful clients of ours, George and Shirley Neal. She may have been small in stature but she was big in heart! She ruled the roost at home and loved tangling with our larger dogs Frankie and Sully. She was never scared to join in the fun and games! Being so small she was also easy to carry in a handbag, and one Summer she went shopping through Action like that rather than stay in a hot car. No-one noticed!! Once Pippin came along, Shadow was older and not quite as spritely, but she had Pippin’s measure from the start and he always “looked up” to her as boss of the pack. We will miss her smoochy cuddles on the couch and our walks along the beach with her little legs pattering away keeping up with everyone.
She was so loving and a wonderful little character.

The best little fella who was wise and cute the day he was born we knew he’d be a beaut.
Our best friend for many years losing you bought many tears.
It was a peaceful passing you were wrapt in love and the appreciation for your life sent to heavens above



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Let this be a celebration of the lives of pets that we have loved and lost.