Busselton Vet Hospital
Grow Free Cart
Promoting a sustainable culture of growing and sharing healthy food and other resources with our neighbours.

Grow Free Cart
One of the first community projects that we set our hearts on being involved in was the “Grow Free” movement. It was a few years ago when we first came across the idea, but unfortunately, the arrival of COVID-19 in March 2020 put the brakes on us, setting us our very own cart.
We didn’t let that stop us, though, and are delighted to say our Busselton Vet Grow Free Cart has been up and running since June 2021. It has been going really well, and it is exciting to see the community slowly catching on to the concept and starting to share produce with the community.
What is a Grow Free Cart, you ask?

Grow Free is a grassroots, community-building movement which promotes a sustainable culture of growing and sharing healthy food and other resources with our neighbours. Sharing our food abundance nurtures the health and happiness of local communities and the environments in which we live. Grow Free starts with food but ends up with the community.

How does it work?
The concept is that you take what you need and give what you can. That’s it. No money changes hands, and there is no bartering. You give your extra produce to those that want it. This free giving fosters positive vibes and helps build community spirit.
What items are shared on the cart?
- Fresh produce: fruit, veges, eggs, herbs, preserves, baked goods
- Seedlings, Seeds & Cuttings: (labelled so we don’t have to guess)
- Anything Gardening: magazines, jars, anything you think people will use
When is the cart out for the community?
Our cart is out the front of our vet hospital during our business’s opening hours.
Monday – Friday: 8 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 8 am – 1 pm
How can I keep up to date with the local Busselton Grow Free Carts?
You can ask to join the private Facebook Group which has regular posts about our cart and what is available on it.
Where can I find more information about Grow Free?
You can check out the website: http://www.growfree.org.au/
Find them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1576723722555159