Busselton Vet Hospital

Healthy Pets 4 Life

We have developed a wellness program that’s designed to keep your pet as healthy as possible, learn more about it below!

Healthy Pets 4 Life At Busselton Vet

Have you heard of our wellness program for dogs and cats? Do you know what a wellness program is? If not, then have a read and we’ll try and explain things for you.

Wellness programs are programs designed to keep your pet healthy and well. At some practices, they just include vaccinations and routine worming and flea treatments, and these are an important part of keeping your furry friend healthy but we believe that surely there is more that we can do to ensure that our patients, your furry friends are healthy!

That is why we have developed our Healthy Pets 4 Life program.

Did you know that dogs and cats (on average) age about 7 years for every one of our years? If we see our patients just for an annual health check, that is like going to the doctor once every 7 years! Lots can happen in 7 years!

Our Healthy Pets 4 Life program is based on full health examinations being done every 6 months. These examinations help us check everything externally so that we can see, hear and feel as much as we can on your pet, potentially finding problems you may not yet have noticed with your pet. But, there is an awful lot more that we cannot see or hear happening inside our own bodies and our pets’ bodies all the time. To check how things are going internally, we include some form of testing at each visit. One time it will be blood tests to see what is staying inside the body and the other visit it will be urine tests to see what the body is getting rid of. Putting all this information together gives us a fantastic idea about how well your pet really is.

If we find everything is perfect, then LET’S CELEBRATE!!! If we find there is a problem, then we are able to start treatment earlier and finding things early most often makes then easier to manage. We will also have a baseline of results for the next time we do more testing to compare to in case there are subtle changes. We have 3 different levels of cover for your pet. Each level offers fantastic benefits and will save you money.

Do you want to have peace of mind knowing that your pet is not just well, but really well? Then Healthy Pets 4 Life is for you! Please contact us for more information or view our full brochures below.

Healthy Pets 4 Life


Do you want to have peace of mind knowing that your pet is not just well, but really well? Then Healthy Pets 4 Life is for you! Please contact us for more information.