Busselton Vet Hospital
Nurse Appointments
Our team of nurses is here to provide the best care and are all well trained and passionate about veterinary care
get to know our nurses
Our nurses are all fantastic and we think you will agree. The best way to get to know them is to come in and take us up on the offer of a nurse consultation. Our nursing team all work very hard to give you and your pets the best care when you visit us, they are all well trained and passionate about veterinary care.
They are highly skilled and more than able to correctly advise you in the areas covered by our nurse consultations. You can check them out on our staff profile page, so have a look through the list of options below and then let us know if you would like Agnes, Louise, Erin, Meg, or Lisa to join you for a consultation.

Nurse Weight Check Consultations
Here at Busselton Vet Hospital, we also offer Nurse Weight Clinics.
Obesity in animals is on the increase, and can have major effects on your pets health and happiness, as well as your wallet!
Examples of obesity-related diseases in dogs and cats include Joint Disease, Diabetes, Heart and Breathing complications, among many others.
A few signs of your pet being overweight
- The need to loosen your pets collar.
- Their ribs aren’t easily felt.
- Loss of an obvious ‘waist’.
It’s hard to shift the weight once it’s on, and we understand that. We’re not here to make you feel bad, but we are here to help and guide you through and make it a fun, hassle-free journey for your family and your furry friend.
And the best things about our Nurse weight clinics…are that they are FREE and there is no prodding or poking, so they can get a completely enjoyable experience at the vets, which we all know doesn’t happen too often.
At Busselton Vet, we know how hard it is to say NO to those big brown eyes, we have Frankie staring us down for food every lunch break. We also know how easy it is to say “I’ll walk the dog tomorrow” or “I’ll play with the cat on the weekend, life is so busy now.”
If you think that maybe your dog or cat may benefit from a free nurse check to assess their body condition or you can use some inspiration and ideas to keep your pet active, please let us know on (08)-9752-1433 and we will book you some time. Our trained nurse will make a plan for you and your pet and help you through the process to getting back to their ideal weight which will go along way to ensure your pet is healthy for longer.
Dog & Cat Microchipping
We have had alot of enquiries lately at our Vet Hospital in Busselton regarding microchipping for dogs & cats. This has been brought on by the implementation of the governments amendments to both the Dog Act and the Cat Act in the past 12 months. It is now law that all dogs and cats in Busselton need to have a microchip implanted. There are some guidelines regarding this but every pet will now need to be chipped before they are registered or their registration is renewed at the City of Busselton.
Some questions you might ask:
What is a microchip?
A microchip is a small implant the size of a grain of rice that is injected under your pets skin. This implant can be read by a special handheld scanner to reveal a unique number for that microchip. This number is then registered on an Australia wide database.
Why should I microchip my pet?
A microchip is a life-long identification and can only be surgically removed. It is invaluable in reuniting you with your lost pet but also can be used to clear up any ownership disagreements regarding the identity of your pet. Microchipping is often used by breeders to identify their pedigree litters of puppies.
It is now law that your pet is microchipped and fines can apply from the local government.
When Busselton Vet implant the microchip we also get you to fill out a form with your contact information and an alternative contact person. This information is submitted to the Australasian Animal Registry (AAR) with your pets microchip number to be put on their database. BEWARE not all vet practices and breeder register their microchip on a database so don’t assume yours is registered unless you have checked.
Why should I give AAR my details?
If your pet is ever lost, registered implanters and scanning centres like or Vet Hospital are able to scan your pet for a microchip. If one is found we can then contact AAR to retrieve your information and reunite you with your pet, this can potentially be life saving if your pet has strayed and been brought to us in an emergency situation. An unregistered chip is no help in a lost dog situation.
Can anyone access my information?
No, we are given a password to access the database so even if someone got your pets chip number they can’t get your details. They would also need to have a microchip scanner which are quite expensive to buy.
Isn’t a microchip the same as the tattoo in my pets ear?
Sorry, the answer to this one is no. Many clients ask us this question. The tattoo is done when we sterilise animals; they aren’t for identification and can’t be tracked, it is the same tattoo for all animals.
Can the chip fall out?
Microchips sometimes move around the body and we have found a few in elbows and back legs which is why we always run the scanner over the whole body when checking. Very very rarely do thye migrate out of the skin all together and fall out.
Will it hurt?
Some animals will experience discomfort with any injection. Microchipping now needs to be done in Busselton by 3 months of age and most animals will be comfortable with a microchip being implanted then. It can be done from birth and many breeders will microchip early to identify puppies.
What age can I get it done?
A microchip can be done at any age, our recommendation is at your pets 10-12 week vaccination.
What happens if I rehome my pet?
Easy, there is a form on the AAR website that you can fill out with the new owners to transfer the ownership and update the details to the new owner.
Having your pet microchipped is an invaluable investment in your pets well being. It is vital however that you keep the details on the database current. It is heartbreaking for our team when we have stray/lost animals that can’t be reunited with their owners because they have moved or changed their phone number and not told the database.
Our team at Busselton Vet are always ready to see you and your pet so if you would like us to implant your pet with a microchip (cost is $50) please give us a call 97 52 1433 or email [email protected] for more information or an appointment it only takes 10 minutes.
Please come in at any time and our reception team will check your pets chip to make sure everything is ok, we will also use our super powers to check your details on the database to make sure they are correct. There is no charge for this checking your details service and it only takes 5 minutes. You can pop in when you are out for your walk next.
Free Dental Check
Did you know 4 out of 5 pets have dental disease by the age of 2?
To do this we are offering free dental checks with one of our lovely nurses and little doggie bags (pardon the pun!) with samples of treats and yummy food.
For most of us, looking after our teeth and gums is an automatic daily routine, however, for our pets it’s a little different. They can’t look after their own teeth like we can so it is up to us to maintain good dental hygiene for them. This means daily brushing, regular professional care and feeding special foods targeted at dental maintenance.
In some cases your best friend may already be showing signs of dental disease. These include:
- bad breath,
- yellow-brown crust on teeth,
- bleeding gums,
- change in chewing or eating habits,
- tooth loss and abnormal drooling.
In other cases they may not show any signs of dental disease, even though they may be in severe pain. This is why it’s important to have regular check-ups at your local Veterinary Practice.
So bring your best mate in for a pearly white (hopefully!) check up… We look forward to seeing you soon.