Busselton Vet Hospital
Learn more about the importance of vaccines and our vaccination services below!
At Busselton Veterinary Hospital as part of our vision of keeping your pet healthy for longer, we also offer vaccinations for your dog, cat or rabbit.
A visit for vaccination at Busselton Vet will include
- a very comprehensive 12 point physical examination
- a discussion regarding parasite control (flea, worm, and heartworm)
- a dental examination and plan
- a health plan relevent for your pet’s age and condition
- a discussion about anything else that has been concerning you with your pet
- and of course, the vaccination that is appropriate for your pet.
We are using the latest vaccines available including the triennial vaccine for dogs (distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis). We encourage our cat-owning clients to vaccinate against both Feline AIDS and Leukemia – we have both these diseases in Busselton and see cases every year. We recommend to our rabbit owners that they should vaccinate against Calicivirus as it is the best thing for your rabbit. We are also able to do Rabies vaccines if you are planning a move overseas.
At Busselton Vet we believe if you can vaccinate against a preventable disease why wouldn’t you. We don’t want your pet to get sick!
Don’t forget that our pets age on average 7 years to every 1 human year so bringing your pet in for its yearly vaccination is like going to the doctors every 3.5 years for a human…that’s a long time between visits.